Ohio Troopers Coalition
Becoming involved in the board is the easiest way to stay informed of new developments or decisions that involve you as an employee of the Ohio Highway Patrol! What better way to have your voice and the voice of your constituents heard than to be a part of the decision-making!
Ohio Troopers Combined Board
Have you thought about becoming part of the combined board?
Becoming involved in the board is the easiest way to stay informed of new developments or decisions that involve you as an employee of the Ohio Highway Patrol! What better way to have your voice and the voice of your constituents heard than to be a part of the decision-making! You will be involved in issues such as making responsible financial decisions on behalf of the Ohio Trooper organizations, deciding upon organizational sponsorship, benefits to the membership, concerns of your fellow members regarding policies, etc, and being the last vote upon future arbitrations that the association takes part of.
A typical meeting includes approving minutes from the previous board meeting, approving the budget for each individual organization, hearing appeals that were turned down by the legal committee, executive officer reporting as well as an update from our legal counsel team. Committee developments are discussed as well as each district staff representative sharing details of their recent workload that would be beneficial to others. Each district has an opportunity to bring any concerns or issues to the table during this meeting. We go over any old business that was tabled and vote on any new business at hand. It is truly the opportunity to become the eyes and ears of the organization and most importantly the VOICE!
Members of the Combined Board consist of O.S.T.A. members of both Bargaining Units 1 and 15. The requirements of eligibility to be a member of the board are that you are a dues-paying member and in good standing. You must actively participate in all of the board meetings and take an active role in promoting the Ohio Trooper Organizations. Combined Board members are the “go-between” the union and its constituents and are therefore expected to keep well informed of the developments that are relevant to issues that come before the board.
There are two levels to the Combined Board, Executive and Lodge Levels Executive Level elections occur every four years and Lodgel Level elections occur every two years. The Executive Level consists of the Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President Secretary, and Treasurer for all five organizations (O.S.T.A., O.T.C., T.S.O., Caring and O.S.T.R.A.) as well as the Bargaining Unit Chairperson for Units 1 and 15, Legal Committee Chairperson, District Staff Representatives and the O.S.T.A. General Counsel. At the Lodge Level, each District has a Lodge President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and O.T.C. (Caring) Director.
If you’re interested in becoming a part of the Combined Board, share your interest with your District Staff Representative or contact Elaine Silveira, Executive Director at esilveira@ohiotroopers.org or 614-781-7686. We look forward to hearing from you!
2020-2024 Combined Board Officers
Findlay District
Sergeant James Cotner
Sergeant Christopher Fitzgerald
Trooper Jacquelyn Layson
Bucyrus District
Trooper Don Pratt
Cleveland District
Sergeant Christopher Ausse
Sergeant David Francway
Trooper Steve Robison
Warren District
Dispatcher Charles Land
Trooper Stephen Pacheco
Dan Stockdale, Retired
Trooper Josh Weiss
Bruce Zuchowski, Retired
Piqua District
Sergeant Chris Colbert
Dispatcher Travis Jones
Trooper Mark Murray
Dispatcher Kari Root
Dispatcher Doug Townsell
Columbus District
Dispatcher Tom Davis
Sergeant Dave Sizemore
Trooper Nikki Snead
Cambridge District
Trooper Leroy Bethel
Trooper Brittany Brannon
Trooper Tim Scott
Wilmington District
Sergeant Bryan Cook
Dennis Gorski, Retired
Trooper James Hutchinson
Jackson District
Sergeant David Richendollar
Dispatcher Jason Whitt